The check-in staff hard at work.

Getting to know each other.

NPA President Jeff Whidden kicks things off.

The NPA Symposium consisted of two days of educational presentations...

...given by 15 industry experts.

The natural pozzolan-producing members of the NPA also presented brief introductions.

Areta Zouvas and Kirkland Mining Company were a big part of making the NPA Symposium a success.

PRESENTERS: Brad Belt, Boyd Clark, John Fox

PRESENTERS: Kristen Freeman, Rem Hawes, Craig Heidrich

PRESENTERS: Mohammed Alhaj Hussein, Marie Jackson, Maria Juenger

PRESENTERS: Harish Konduru, Mark Niemuth, TJ Pisklak

PRESENTERS: Newell Washburn, Bud Werner, Jeff Whidden

PRESENTERS: Patrick Cheetham, Chris Fagouri, David Imse

PRESENTERS: Brian Jeppsen, Ken Kazanis, Linda Koep

Loading up for the hayride and mixer event on Thursday evening.

Rolling out to find the food and drink.

Capping the evening with a gooey, fire-crafted s'more.

NPA Symposium attendees make a visit to the Kirkland Pozzolan Mine.

The Kirkland Pozzolan Mine is located in Skull Valley, Arizona.

The Kirkland Mining Company's pozzolan deposit includes 23 million ton's proven reserves with a 130 million inferred resources with in a 88 acre permitted mine plan on 400 acre deposit.

Checking out a stockpile of natural pozzolan at the Kirkland Mine.

A rotary-drum cut headwall at the Kirkland Pozzolan Mine.

Areta Zouvas details a bit of the process of getting the Kirkland mine permitted.

There's pozz in them thar hills!